Wiley is the proud recipient of the Foodbank 2016 ‘Purple Light Bulb’ Award for helping to illuminate the issue of hunger in Australia through supporting the Foodbank Hunger Report.
“The Hunger Report is our most important vehicle in raising awareness of the issue of food insecurity and the contribution Wiley makes to its success is significant,” said Tony Froggatt, Chair of Foodbank Australia.
Wiley have a longstanding relationship with Foodbank. Wiley are a relevant and trusted advisor to Foodbank and provide services, including design, infographics to assist with the Hunger Report as well as logistics and storage of donated food.
Managing Director Tom Wiley said: “The thousands of people and families who go hungry on a daily basis throughout Australia need our support. The Wiley team are always seeking to make a difference and find a better way to reduce food wastage with our clients, Foodbank and the broader food industry. I believe if everyone gives a little of their time and focuses on helping the hungry in their local community by reducing food waste and getting excess food to those in need, we will each contribute to improving the lives of those in need across Australia.”

Senator Zed Seselja, Wiley Managing Director Tom Wiley and Foodbank Chairman Tony Froggatt
The awards were presented by Senator Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs, at the Australian Food and Grocery Council Industry Leaders Forum held in Parliament House Canberra on November 8 to organisations that helped to raise the awareness of food insecurity, provide more key staple products and build the infrastructure required to get the food to where it is needed.
Speaking at the event, Foodbank Australia’s Chair, Tony Froggatt, said: “We ask a lot of our food and grocery partners because we cannot achieve anything without them and unfailingly they answer the call. It’s always difficult to single out a few amongst our many partners, but I’m pleased to say the 2016 recipients are truly worthy of the accolades.”
The annual Foodbank Hunger Report highlights the growing hunger crisis facing everyday Australians. One in six Australians has insufficient access to affordable and nutritious food leaving over 644,000 people seeking food relief each month. A further 43,000 Aussies are unsuccessfully seeking help each month due to demand for food relief outpacing supply. Aussie children, who have little option, make up around one third of those impacted.
“We are honoured to receive the Purple Light Bulb Award and will continue to support Foodbank into the future. Both our organisations work with similar clients and can go a long way to raising awareness of the issue of hunger in Australia. Our goal is to continue to aid in building solid relationships for Foodbank between national food donors and key industry supporters.” Tom concluded.

Tom Wiley with the other recipients of Foodbank Awards